Monday, April 27, 2009

What is so hard about spelling my name

J O S E P H...What's that freaking spell people! I seriously get a few people each month that have no idea how spell Joseph. It's not joeseph josefh or josehp...arrrgghhh! How hard can it be.

First goal anyone!

So it looks like I made my first goal, i weight 365 today. That is about 5 months ahead of schedule. So let's try another 50 by September shall we!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Here's an update

I know, I am a bad blogger, but here is an update. I am in that 370-375 weight range right now. Still working out. I feel like I have gotten stronger and have more energy. I can workout harder and longer it seems like now.

Also, Sara and I went shopping yesterday and I tried on some pants, just to see where I am at. I have lost 3 pant sizes and could have probably squeezed into a smaller pair, but didn't try that. Anyways, there you go.